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Esko North America announces new leadership team

Sanja Valentic appointed GM following Steve Bennett retirement

Esko, the global developer of integrated software and hardware solutions that digitize, automate and connect the go-to-market process of consumer goods, has announced that Sanja Valentic has been appointed VP/GM of its North America operations. The appointment follows the announcement that Steve Bennett will retire as of 4 March 2022.


From December 2021, Sanja will be responsible for the management of the commercial, support and financial performance of the packaging converters and tradeshops business in the United States and Canada, operating from the company’s headquarters in Miamisburg, Ohio.

“Esko is special place to work, and this is a very exciting time for the business,” said Sanja. “In the coming year, we will be focusing our efforts on further automating the flexo platemaking process, while continuing to ensure full integration of our AVT print inspection solutions. We are continually developing innovative solutions to enable Esko customers to produce the best flexographic print quality possible, and I look forward to working with our customers as business partners to help them deal with their day-to-day challenges, with our ecosystem of packaging production software solutions.”

Sanja joined Esko in February 2020 as Director, Pre-Press Software Solutions. Prior to this, Sanja’s experience includes leading large business development, sales, and marketing teams in both the printing and medical industries. In her new role, Sanja will continue to provide proactive support to internal and external customers, while providing leadership to the Esko NA Suppliers business.

“As we continue to drive innovation into the packaging industry, I am thrilled to be tasked with continuing the work begun by Steve and delivered by this hugely talented team,” she said. “This is a great privilege and honor, and I’m looking forward to working closely with our associates and customers as we continue delivering innovations to support their digital transformation journeys.”

Sanja will be attending the annual EskoWorld event from June 7th-9th in 2022, when packaging converters, tradeshops and brand representatives will convene at the Gaylord Convention Center in Grapevine, near Dallas, Texas, USA. The full agenda event will be announced early in the new year, but registration is open now – with significant savings available for early bookings. For more information and to register, visit www.eskoworld.com.

origin: published by esko.com 10.01.2022