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“We Progress Together” – Goldiee Praises Domino Partnership Following Domino Cloud Success

 The Goldiee Group (Goldiee), one of India’s largest producers of spices and food products, has praised its longstanding relationship with Domino Printing Sciences (Domino), having enhanced its coding and marking capabilities with remote monitoring from the Domino Cloud. “For today’s market, Goldiee only knows and trusts Domino to provide reliable coding and marking


Mold-Tek Packaging delivers high quality variable data printing with Domino’s K600i UV-curable inkjet printers

Located in Hyderabad, India, Mold-Tek Packaging Limited is one of the country’s biggest packaging companies. Manufacturers of food grade packaging and a wide range of containers for industrial products such as lubricants and paints, Mold-Tek has a proud 35-year history. With approximately 22% market share and clients such as Asian


Uniós támogatással bővítette gyártókapacitását az RRE-Szeged Nyomdaipari Kft.

Az ügyféligények rugalmasabb kiszolgálását teszi lehetővé az a fejlesztés, melyet több mint 400 millió forintból, uniós támogatással valósított meg az RRE-Szeged Nyomdaipari Kft. - tájékoztatta a vállalkozás az MTI-t.     A közlemény szerint az RRE-Szeged Kft. 1991-ben alakult svájci-magyar vegyes vállalatként. A most magyar magánszemélyek tulajdonában álló cég fő tevékenységi köre


Domino unveils the N730i digital label press. Setting new standards in high performance ink jet label printing

Domino Printing Sciences globally announced the launch of the Domino N730i digital label press via a live virtual broadcast earlier today. This is a ground-up development and the first to use its new Domino Generation 7 inkjet platform. Philip Easton, Director of the Domino Digital Printing Solutions division commented “This
