The Goldiee Group (Goldiee), one of India’s largest producers of spices and food products, has praised its longstanding relationship with Domino Printing Sciences (Domino), having enhanced its coding and marking capabilities with remote monitoring from the Domino Cloud. “For today’s market, Goldiee only knows and trusts Domino to provide reliable coding and marking
Located in Hyderabad, India, Mold-Tek Packaging Limited is one of the country’s biggest packaging companies. Manufacturers of food grade packaging and a wide range of containers for industrial products such as lubricants and paints, Mold-Tek has a proud 35-year history. With approximately 22% market share and clients such as Asian
Tovább...Print over one million unique codes per hour with Domino’s high speed K600i digital inkjet printer In the video link below, witness high speed digital printing at its best, as Domino’s dual bar K600i digital inkjet printer prints variable data onto labels, each with a unique linear barcode, QR code and
Tovább...Esko, the global provider of integrated hardware and software for the packaging and label industries, has announced the appointment of Michael Ollitervo-Murphy as Senior Director Customer Success EMEA. Joining Esko with over 25 years’ experience in business strategy and customer experience development from the software, financial services and telecoms industries,
Tovább...Az ügyféligények rugalmasabb kiszolgálását teszi lehetővé az a fejlesztés, melyet több mint 400 millió forintból, uniós támogatással valósított meg az RRE-Szeged Nyomdaipari Kft. - tájékoztatta a vállalkozás az MTI-t. A közlemény szerint az RRE-Szeged Kft. 1991-ben alakult svájci-magyar vegyes vállalatként. A most magyar magánszemélyek tulajdonában álló cég fő tevékenységi köre
Tovább...After diversifying into the corrugated sector in June 2020 with the launch of its X630i digital ink jet corrugated press and AQ95 aqueous ink set, Domino Digital Printing Solutions is pleased to announce three key appointments to strengthen its dedicated corrugated team. The team, led by Matt Condon, will support
Tovább...Luxurious colour co-ordinated packaging from rigid box specialist Pollard Boxes is helping to establish brand image and identity for the latest advanced hair dryer from market leader ghd. The new ghd Helios offers a lightweight and ergonomically balanced design for easy and controlled styling. It incorporates the company unique Aeroprecis™
Tovább...Domino Printing Sciences globally announced the launch of the Domino N730i digital label press via a live virtual broadcast earlier today. This is a ground-up development and the first to use its new Domino Generation 7 inkjet platform. Philip Easton, Director of the Domino Digital Printing Solutions division commented “This
Tovább...New strategy to drive sustainable long-term growth Launch of ImagineX platform to power Xaar products for the next 30 years New corporate identity and a new Xaar Xaar, the leading inkjet printing technology group, has today outlined a new strategy to return to sustainable long-term growth. Alongside this, Xaar has
Tovább...Domino Digital Printing Solutions is excited to announce the official launch of its next generation digital embellishment solution after its initial preview at Labelexpo Europe 2019. Visitors to the Domino stand were extremely impressed with the quality of the highly embellished labels that were created using Domino’s new, unique UV-curable